1740223353 NPI number - Cesare Saponieri MD, FACC, PLLC

Update our patients - Coronavirus

With the spread of the Coronavirus we wanted to take this opportunity to update our patients on what Kings Heart Center is doing to provide a safe medical environment. The safety of our patients and our employees are our top priority.
While our office is following a strict hourly disinfecting protocol and our Providers and support staff are adhering to guidelines issued by the CDC, any patients who are experiencing flu like symptoms or who have been in close contact with anyone experiencing flu like symptoms are advised to call the primary care physician or dr. Saponieri for better assessment of the condition before visiting the office or the ER for diagnosis and treatment.
We are offering our patients our Telehealth service which will eliminate the need for you to visit the office and allow you to remotely connect  with Dr. Saponieri during this unusual time.
With Telehealth you can skip the office visit and connect with us remotely from virtually anywhere through a click on your smartphone, tablet or computer to get a diagnosis or medical advice from Dr. Saponieri and his team. 
The health and safety of our staff and patients are always a top priority for Kings Heart Center  and we are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe medical environment. 
Our team is here to help you in any way possible. 
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call us at 718-252-4765 or 1-800-766-0737.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this challenging time.

Kind and loving regards from
Dr. Saponieri and his Team

Cesare Saponieri, MD, FACC

MARCH 13, 2020


Family health care solution

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